Gauntlet...  with TIME TRAVEL!

Made for the 2D Game Jam 2024.

Arrow Keys to move

X to Fire

Z to Strafe

Shift to Bomb


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Can you add a full screen button

I already tried.  Game Maker's HTML5 implementation has problems, and it makes full-screen not work right.

It should be in the setting on the itch page, there should be an option to allow full screen

Like I said, I already found it and used it.  The game worked right in full screen when built as a windows executable.  It doesn't work right as HTML5.  So I turned it back off.

Oh okay, could you send me the exe version on discord or upload it, I wanna play it all the way through but my internet is garbage so it lags a lot

(1 edit)

That's not you.  I only tested it as a windows executable.  When I exported it for HTML5, I realized it had performance issues as a web game.  By then though, it was time to submit to the jam.  So it was too late to do anything about it.